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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Harry & Ron in Dress Robes!!!
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Rite Skeeter !!!!!
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Harry's new look in the upcoming movie!
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Some spoilers of the upcoming movie!!! Posted by Picasa

Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince!!!

At last, received my pre-ordered book is delivered at home.....
Well had to work that morning and in the end I spent a very frustating morning at work, called back home almost every hour to check whether my book had been delivered....

At last at 1030hrs, my mum picked up the phone.....
My book was delivered just as I left for work.... ;( So damnfrustating....

From then on I was literally counting off the minutes to go back home....

Well upon reaching home, I grab the book and started reading it.....

By 2030hrs.... Ive completed reading the whole book......

The 6th book is a relatively an easy read as compared to the previous books....
As the story is now ending.... there was'nt that much more suprising facts from this book as compared to the others...

The content of the 6th book is more of a reinforcements of facts of the ideas / events in the previous books....

Reading the other books makes me feel that I've just opened a suprise gift whereas this time reading it makes me feel somewhat more knowledgable thru the insights it provided....

Anyway hats off to J.K.Rowling for such a great read.
I find that her ability to correlate facts from one book to another is simply amazing......

I was first attracted to the book [at around year 2 of college] for its superb tale....
To be able to write a totally fictional book on wizards and witches and correlate it to everyday reality is simply amazing.....

The settings in which the story is set, the characters and all the wonderful jargons created were a wonderful read too...

I started to become an avid reader and every time her book is published, I would never fail to get a copy of it....
Among all 6 books, my fav is the 3rd installment; Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban......

It gives the reader a further insight on Harry's past and his family background.....
It is the first book whereby Harry did not had to face with Lord Voldermort....
From then on, Sirius Black has since been my fav. character... second to Harry Potter Haha!

My happiness can be said to be short-lived.....
Two years later..... in the 5th book ..... Black died!!!
Im still harboring hopes that he is just MIA and not yet dead though the chances of that is very slim.....

This year was no better.....
Of all characters ..... Albus Dumbuldore had to be sacrificed this time round!!!!

I cant stop wondering who will be next.....

One thing for sure is that Harry has finally found his love and that in the next book he will be facing Voldemort eventually!!!
I just hope the last book will tie all the remaining lose knots thathas been going on from the first book.....

finally I'm lokking forward to the 4th movie in November this year - Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire!!! Hope this installment would be better than that of the previous movie.....

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Colleagues at 'A'!!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 09, 2005
My Work History

Well as anybody can see from my previous posts, I'm rather sidetracked from my working life topic as suggested from my blog title.....

So guess it's time I record down my past working history and also my current worklife.......

A Brief Academic History...

Three years ago, I enrolled myself to a local poly as I was left with no other choice at that point of time....
My only aim at that time was to continue my studies and nothing else... I had two main interests at that time which was accounting and the medical profession.....
I opt for the latter and took up an allied health course provided by NYP....

Though I had no idea what the course is all about I went along with it due to the prospect of a good sponsorship from any hospitals in Singapore.....[I was more interested in the sponsorship than in the course itself] ;p
To my disappointment, my intake was one of the largest as compared to any other intakes and I did not get any sponsorship in the end....[Tried for three whole years ....sigh]

By then I was really getting the hang on the modules offered and felt a certain sense of attachment to the I stayed on....
Throughout the three years..... I have made some really close friends thru the course and till today I've never regret my decision to stay on.....

Three years have passed by ......
Now I'm happily employed by a recognized institute and at times wonder how life would have been if I had managed to secure for myself a sponsorship......

This past few months [after my final exams] have been somewhat of a rollercoster ride for me, full of both ups and downs, exhilaration and disappointment.....haha how melodramatic I can be

The Past Few Months... [After my Exams]

Majority of my classmates to the opputunity of the long break to go on a vacation abroad.....
Well as for me, I was stuck here in Singapore, working at a private organization[A], on a part-time fee... Most of my friends advises me not to join the private sector straight after graduation as I might not be equipped with the necessary on the job experience ....

Initially I had the same impression but after working at A for two months, I did managed to be equipped with experiences that till today I will never forget and had help me felt how it is like working with private patients.....[In my opinion there are no different from other patients just that they expect a higher level of service from you so you must really know all your stuff at your fingertips]

My boss said this once to me....
"We are in the service industry and we should be proud that we are able to provide this service to our patients, regardless of their age, gender, status etc...
We are the masters of our room.... nobody know the procedures, the workflow and the details of everything in the room as well as us.....
When a patient comes into the examination room, they would usually feel the need to know more and their level of knowledge of the procedures will never be on the same level as the technologists within the room...
Thus we should never feel inferior, in the act of providing the services to our patients as we are the king of the room we working in and that nobody will know more than we do ...."

He make me look at my job at a new prospective and I've begun to see the beauty of my responsibilities..... he is one person I respect above all others.....

Life was good and I was given more responsibilities as I time goes by.....
But then I was offered another job offer from a recognized institution.....
I was forced to make a decision for my further and also my present....

After much thought spent.... I chose to accept the job offer from the institute [N].

The few weeks of time I had to make a decision was really tough on me [I was'nt much of a decision maker], i had to weigh the pros and cons for both A and N and also think thru what I really looking for in a job....

Well I'm now settling myself down to the environment in N and in the end I realise working at both A and N felt the same..... there is'nt much difference between them....

Well I wish all the best for A and hope they would fine a replacement for me soon....

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Collages of Athrun Zala and Kira Yamato!!! Posted by Picasa

The Main Characters in Gundam Seed!!! Posted by Picasa

In this post, I'm gonna give a brief intro to Gundam Seed - my fav anime.

Basically, the story is set in an era of the Cosmos. In this era there are exist two types of humans, the Naturals & the Coordinators.
The coordinators were genetically modified during conception and as a result, they posseses skills and abilities that are far beyond those of the Naturals.

The irony to this is that, these coordinars are a result of the Naturals experimentation.....but went their capabilities were found to be better than their creators ....the Naturals tried to rid them out of this world......

It just shows that humans tend to be competitive in nature and to a certain extent hates losing!
The moment someone better comes along, hatred and envy will prevails in them....

Back to the story, .......
This hatred and envy leads to war between the Naturals & Coordinators.....
The coordinators have build a niche for themselves in outer space and these world of theirs are called the PLANTs.....
Thus a war is wage between Earth - Earth Alliance and PLANTs - ZAFTs
In the midst of all the chaos, a young boy(Kira) and some of his friends were somewhat forced to be involved in the war when they chose to go on board the Arckangel - a warship of the Earth Alliance...

Kira is a coordinator whereas the army he serves were of the Naturals .....
He was seen as an enemy among his comrades and as a traitor to his kind.
And in the midst of it all, he was forced to fight a childhood friend of his(Athrun) that is from ZAFT. Both was forced to kill one another so as to survives..... though neither were willing to do so.....

After a few failed attempts on each other lifes.... these two friends realised what they wanted in life and unite to stop the ongoing war that is ruining the Earth and PLANTs....
Together with their beloved, they begin to fight for their belief, that is for a peaceful existence between the coordinators and naturals....

Just like any other stories.... they overcome their obstacles and start to build the peaceful world they have been dreaming of.......

The story has many good morals instilled to it, that i find to correlate well with our present reality.....
I will stop here for now and continue more in detail in my next posting..... Ciao!

Sunday, July 03, 2005
First Posting...... Cool Anime!

First and foremost.... I will like to welcome myself to the blogging world!!!
After reading some of the blogs belonging to my friends, I had an urge to start one for myself!So....

Tada! Here I am in the blogging world!

I've always kept a personal hand-written journal these past few years so guess this would be just like that! Hope I will enjoy these new craze and let's see how long and often will i last and post my entries here....Hehe!

Well as shown by my title, I'm currently having some kind of craze with Japanese Animations!
I find them really cool and some of the story lines are pretty good!
Not to mention that the characters are pleasing to the eyes!!
Well I wonder when will I grow out of this craze! Haha!

Well here is a link that I find to be interesting on the anime called Gundam Seed!
This is my favourite anime so far and I'm currently collecting the VCDs series!

Anybody who got new anime to recommend, may drop me a msg in the comments section......

So what is actually Anime?
Anime is actually just the Japanese word for Animation.
Its some sort of a short form for animation!
In Japan, the animation industry is much more towards the forefront than it is in the United States, and shows covering virtually every genre can be found in the form of television shows, Original Animation Videos (OAVs or OVAs) and feature films.
Much like any other entertainment medium, anime can range from the very silly to the very serious, and is not necessarily intended for children or any specific age group.
Haha, so it basically means that I don't necessarily need to grow out of it!

Anime is currently popular not only in Japan but throughout the world....

Over the past thirty years, many anime titles have made their way to the U.S.A.
Recently, there has been a tremendous upsurge in the U.S. Anime market, with several commercial companies releasing English-language anime into the theatrical market and for home release on videocassette and laserdisc.
Thus it is now relatively easier to find your favourite anime online and even in selected shops such as Comics Connection, LaserDisc etc...

Here are some useful terminology for buyers:
Subtitled anime is anime that has been translated into English with the original Japanese soundtrack preserved.
The English dialogue appears in the form of a "text track" across the bottom of the screen.
Dubbed anime is anime that has had the original Japanese soundtrack replaced by a new track with English-speaking actors. In most cases, the original music is preserved.

Well think I'm just gonna make my first blog short and sweet thus I will end it here....
In my next blog I will write more of the happenings in my life and also abt Anime & Manga!
Haa so long then! ;P

Anime! Cool Stuff! Posted by Picasa

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